December 09, 2020

Brick phones and their week-long battery life are somewhat of the past now. In fact, many of us struggle with a phone that's battery doesn't even last nearly as long as we want it too. Especially as your phone gets older, the battery life will deteriorate and before you know it you can be struggling to make it through the day without having to plug-in for a recharge.

Although most Android phones these days will last an entire day initially, there are some handy tips and tricks that you can easily do to keep your device ticking on longer without having to reach for the charger. These tips won't work for iPhones, as they are specifically to do with the Android operating system, but there are alternatives for iOS operating systems. Take a read below and save yourself some time as you make your battery life more efficient! 


1. Adjust the settings

As phones become more advance, their internal processors become more powerful and screens become more vibrant and crystal clear. Although these are amazing features to have on your Android smartphone, they can also be the cause of excessive battery drainage. 

The higher the resolution the screen has, the more battery it will drain. So if your phone is in 4K, 2K or HD+, it is likely that you can adjust this down to a lower level in order to increase your battery efficiency. Obviously, you may notice a slight difference in the quality of the picture you see, but this will likely be barely noticeable and only a small sacrifice compared to the difference you will notice in battery life. 

You can also choose to adjust your screen refresh time from 90Hz or 120Hz (which is common on newer models) to the smaller 60Hz. Running a higher Hz will use much more power as your screen is constantly working harder to keep up with what you are doing. Lowering this to 60Hz, you won't notice a difference, except your battery will perform a lot better. 

Both of these can be adjusted in your display options in settings on your Android phone.


2. Watch what you are watching

Many of us forget that we now regularly use our phone as a multimedia device meaning that our battery usage has increased rapidly over the past 10 years as our screen time has increased. As gaming, YouTube surfing, streaming music and watching Netflix becomes easier and more popular, many people aren't realising that this is damaging and draining their phone battery. 

For Android phones, it is important to monitor what you are doing on your phone. If you want to extend your battery life during the day, spend that spare 5 minutes reading a book or article rather than trying to catch up on the latest Netflix episode or playing that high speed game you love. If you can, substitute your phone for a computer or tablet at any stage you can. Whether that is for watching movies or gaming, swapping out your phone for a larger screen will be better for your phone battery and your eyes. 


3. Clear your apps 

After you have finished using an app and return to your home screen, you may think that the app is out of sight and closed, however, it is actually still draining power from your phone. 

Many apps actually continue to run and process in the background even when it is not actively being used. If you have a large amount of apps remaining unclosed in the background, you phone will be leaking battery significantly without realising. 

To clear your background running apps on an Android phone, simply find and tap the previous apps menu (often a square symbol or swipe up from the bottom of your screen). Now just swipe up on all the apps to clear them. Some models even have a quick option to clear all. 

4. Turn down brightness and utilise dark mode

Although this may be abundantly obvious, it is one of the most looked over tips that will extend your battery life. The brighter the display, the more power it will be sucking from the battery.

Many people try to turn down their brightness, but leave automatic brightness switched on which means the screen brightness will increase in lighter areas without you probably realising. Turning off automatic brightness is a simple, yet highly effective way of increasing your phone's battery life more. You can easily do this in settings. 

Dark mode is also a new feature introduced in Android 10 which can be utilised to extend your battery life significantly. As mentioned, the brighter the screen the more the battery that is used. So using your phone in dark mode will decrease the amount of LED's in the screen having to be working, thus making the phone work less and be more efficient. 


5. Battery saving mode

Most Android phones have a built in software that is focused around battery saving and efficiency in settings. This usually switches of any unnecessary display features, reduces background processing and alters settings to make you phone as efficient as possible to reduce battery usage. 

However, some phones will have different levels of power saving modes, with the higher levels transforming your phones completely to make them somewhat less usable. So, when trying the different modes, be sure to pick one that suits your needs and accessibility desires! 

Battery saving mode can usually be found in the settings of your Android phone, or in quick settings when you swipe up or down on your screen. 



If you are having trouble with your Android phone battery, feel free to get in touch with us! Our team at DeXTech are more than happy to see what we can do to help out. 

Here at DeXTech, we are here to help you with your technology requirements. We stock a wide range of Apple products, from the iPhone 4s all the way through to the iPhone XS, plus the iPad range. Along with this, we carry a huge range of Android smartphones and tablets, including Samsung, Pixel and LG. With these devices on hand we are able to offer technical support every step of the way from assisting to get your device setup to dealing with issues such as network issues or software troubleshooting. We have a helpful team who can lend a hand via our tech support email address: Do not hesitate to reach out! 




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